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4 Tips for Finding Your Spiritual Self

Craig Middleton
In today's confusing and overwhelming world, it can be hard to find direction. Lots of outside forces are vying for a say in what you should do, how you should act and who you should be. With all of this noise, it can be hard to know what the right thing to do is. Getting in touch with your spiritual self can be an important way to block out distractions.

Learn More

It's hard to go on a journey of self-discovery entirely on your own. To figure out how to best act on your beliefs, you first have to figure out what you believe. Spirituality is fed by learning. Read books and articles about spiritual practices. Consider philosophical texts. Listen to TED talks or speakers with diverse experiences.

Have Fun

Getting in touch with your spiritual side doesn't have to be dull and frustrating struggle. You're not being forced to live a certain way, you're becoming more you. To that end, don't be afraid to have some fun! While you're meditating, light candles or incense. Wear some fun socks that remind you to be aware of all the parts of your body.

Be Still

Discovering your spiritual side can be an intense experience. For some, it's exciting, and it's scary for others. All of these emotions can motivate you to want to know more, go deeper and do everything faster. A key practice in embracing your spirituality is remembering when to slow down and be still. Taking time to meditate, sit and think is important.

Just Do It

The biggest key to finding your spiritual self is simply to start somewhere. If you agonize about making all of the right moves at the right times, you'll never get anywhere. You can't be afraid to make mistakes. At first, you won't make all of the right choices. It's important to power through those feelings of concern or insecurity and do what feels right.