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How Long Lord, How Long?

Claudia Miclaus
The great people of faith in the Bible oftentimes could have asked this question especially when the promises of God seemed to delay for years. What about us, what should we expect?
God has wonderful promises in the Bible for all His children and just like a good parent He loves us with an everlasting love, consequently it is His delight to prosper us in every possible way!
Yet especially when we go through tough times (particularly when they last longer than we expected) we wonder if those nice verses were even intended for us because the situation seems to stretch from one year to the other and so on ...an on! When Lord when? This is what many of us wonder while waiting for our deliverance.
Let's look at the people of God for a moment, you see, all the great ones had great difficulties to encounter and they had to wait for long painful yet blessed years until the promises came true. Abraham had to wait to see his prophesied son for 25 years, time when God reminded Abraham of this promise, yet, it took a while, didn't it?
A God who has all wisdom, purity and love and the best interest for us, will surely do more than we can think or imagine and HE wants to bless us even more than what we ask. The problem is when we reach the point where we feel we can't go further. It is a misconception that we cannot go further if this or other occurs.
God has already promised that we won't have more than we can put up with and consequently beat! We have sometimes reached a point in life when we thought we won't be able to go forth, yet we are unknown to the fact that somehow, God simply gave us new strength!
Then we discovered another wrong mindset that can be a stronghold is to think that we might have to face certain difficulties with the same spiritual resources we have in the present. This is a misconception that automatically invites fear inside and we know that fear is not from God!
There will always be a new set of spiritual muscles, if we are facing tough times. The more difficult the situation, the greater strength we'll get to overcome it!
Wrong expectations frustrate us, when you wait for long and still "nothing happens". We are so comfortable in our little nests that we won't use what we've got until we have no other choice but to use it! We repeat the same thing until God gets us in a position where we have to use the spiritual weapons He gave us and get surprised: "Wow, it worked!"
Yes of course they work because "the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds"!
2 Corinthians 10:4.
Before we all know it for ourselves, these verses are basically only good information, but when God reveals the real power there is available in His weapons, the whole perspective changes! It becomes palpable reality!
Oftentimes our diligence in trying to fight a certain bad habit or difficult situation is put to the test, oh and it is not easy! Again with a lot of "pills" (the words of God have healing power) from God's word we can do as His advice is: "build siege works until the city at war with you falls."
(Deuteronomy 20:20) Until the enemy's stronghold falls! Don't give up! The ONE that is inside of you is stronger than the one in the world! Oh but in all these battles we actually discover who we really are in Christ and we realize how little is what we practice effectively when compared to what we theoretically know!
Continually build those siege works against your enemy by standing firm in your faith, well established in God's word and the Devil will flee from you! This is the ultimate result! Hang on!
Pray and fight because GOD does not make vain promises, HE is well able to fulfill all the words of His mouth and HE will complete everything as HE promised even if we have to go through those waiting times!