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Interesting Facts About The Wiccan Religion

Debopriya Bose
Wicca imbibes earth-based spirituality in its doctrine and is often described as a neo-pagan religion. Here is some information regarding this religious belief system that professes harmony with nature, for the benefit of mankind.
Wicca is a neo-pagan religion that originated in England in the early 20th century. Although its date of origin is disputed, the role of Gerald Gardner (an English civil servant) in popularizing the religion in the 1940s is beyond doubt. Many Wiccans find the beliefs of the socially accepted religions paternalistic and autocratic.
This old religion helps them in finding peace and harmony with the universe, using natural means
Wicca aims at tapping the powers of nature that can be used for the greater good of mankind. It provides leeway for freedom of action. However, it is also regulated through a moral code, allowing its followers to act in any way that they want, provided their actions does not harm others.
Most Wiccans believe in a God and Goddess (known as the Triple Goddess). The God is often referred as the Horned God, and is the consort of the Goddess. Wicca find its origins in the ancient fertility religions.

Religious Ideology

There are a number of traditions or groups within this religion, each with varied beliefs and different practices. However, the belief in afterlife, cosmic powers and certain other ideologies of Wicca are similar to other ancient religions' beliefs. Wicca is mostly duo-theistic.
However, some of its practitioners follow what is known as pantheism. Such people believe that the God and the Goddess together represent the single supreme entity, who is sometimes called the 'One' or the 'Prime Mover'.
Those who are polytheistic, worship a number of deities, each being a separate and distinct entity. On the other hand, for some Wiccans, the God and Goddess are not any distinct entities, but represent thought forms.


Similar to the variations in theological views, there are various perceptions about afterlife among various Wiccan groups. All of them believe that the human soul reincarnates a number of times to learn new lessons, and raise itself on moral strengths and spiritual knowledge through every birth.
However, for some of them, a soul is born as a human being every time, whereas, other groups believe that a soul can reincarnate itself as any animal species.

Rituals and Beliefs

Some Wiccans believe in magic. The word is spelled as 'magick'. This is to distinguish it from the tricks for entertainment that magic usually involves. For them, magick is a way by which the forces of nature can be used to bring about positive and desirable results.
They use spells or workings during ritual practices which are aimed at healing for protection or to repel negative forces. Some Wiccans call their magic 'white magic', which is to distinguish it from black magic that is believed - to invoke Satan.
They have a three-fold law of retribution. They believe that if you do good or evil deeds, you will be rewarded or punished three times as much for your acts. Therefore, any deliberate act of evil, like black magic, is believed to be an invitation for trouble.

Moral Code

As far as morality is concerned, there are no strict rules other than the Wicca Rede, that says, "An it harm none, do what ye will". This principle highlights the freedom of action and simultaneously a sense of responsibility that it professes.
Wiccans revere the five elements - air, water, earth, sun, and the Aether or the spirit that unites the other four elements.
There are also certain Wiccans who believe in cultivating the eight virtues, which are honor, humility, mirth, power, strength, reverence, beauty and compassion.

Wiccan Tools

Salt in a bowl: Symbolizes the element of earth

Incense sticks: Symbolize the element of air

Two Candles: Symbolize the Horned God and Goddess

Pentagram: For evoking magic through rites, symbolizing five universal elements: air, water, fire, earth and spirit
Bell: Used to ring at regular intervals during the rites

Besom (broom): Symbolizes masculinity and femininity together

Athame (knife): Used to draw the magic circle

Cauldron: Used for concocting brews

Chalice (cup): Used to hold the drink

Facts About the Religion

» Due to the misconceptions in the public regarding paganism and negative portrayal of pagans in movies, the Wiccans are wrongly identified as worshipers of the Satan.
» Their religious ideologies are based upon ancient religions of Celtic and Nordic people who inhabited Europe before the advent of Christianity. It is a religion that revers the power of the Divine Feminine as the creator of everything around.
» It is most commonly represented by the pentagram - the five point star. Each point stands for one of the five elements revered by the Wiccans.
» Unlike most other religions, they do not have tenets written in a sacred book. However, they follow the texts contained in the Book of Shadows, the content of which were changed by Gerard Gardner more than once. He is credited for shaping the modern Wiccan religion.
» The festivals that they celebrate are known as Sabbats. These are equally spaced throughout the year, and together form the Wheel of the Year that represents the annual cycle of the different seasons.

» Other Wiccan symbols are the three hares, triple moon, triquetra, and triskelion.
» Contrary to the popular misconceptions, this religion has life-affirming beliefs. It does not support blood sacrifice of any kind.

» Wicca has many branches like Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Welsh Traditional, Dianic, Church and School of Wicca, Faery, Seax-Wica, Circle Wicca, Covenant of the Goddess, Universal Eclectic Wicca, Georgian, Sacred Wheel, etc.
Though this religion has evolved through time and is practiced in several societies in different ways, the core beliefs and the cause remain the same for one and all.